Tuesday 8 January 2008

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition.

I've had a private journal for four years now and just the other day I was reading some of my backdated entries.

Much to my horror, I realized that some of things I used to complain about all those years ago, somehow, I still seem to complain about them now. Although the situations usually involve different people or places. Something is different but yet my complaint is the same.

It got me thinking. Are we destined to make the same repetitive mistakes? Are we just living the same old story with brand new people? And can we ever change its course? Can we somehow live the same story but negotiate the outcome?

I once wrote in a poem 'Because that's what the present is, just an updated version of the past'. It wasn't until now that I realized how true my words were.

And they say that you learn from your mistakes. If we are making the same mistakes over and over, are we really ever learning anything?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've posed some interesting questions... ones I've found myself asking myself a lot over the years. I always seem to complain about the same things as well (mainly people) & I also find myself in similar situations, with new people. I wish I could get myself out of the loop... or maybe all people are shitheads? :P

Nah, that can't be true. I just seem to have very bad luck & no idea how to control it. Maybe we never learn anything :( that's kinda depressing though...