Saturday 29 December 2007

Forget California, Manhattan Here We Come.

Ever since I was able to stand on my own two feet and many years after, I have dreamed of living in New York City. I cannot tell you why, cause the reasons are endless, and yet, I know not one of why I should go there. I visited the City in August 07. And needless to say, it was amazing, all that I expected and more. And visiting it has compelled my desire to live there even more.

Yet, I am still young and have many years still to come before I can ever consider applying for a visa application to become an American Citizen, now that will be amazing. So for the meantime, I've been trying to make New York come to Belfast. And that is no easy job.

After watching Sex and the City late one Friday evening, I felt compelled even more to try to bring the lifestyle that I want to my life at the current moment. My girlfriends and I have talked many a time about dressing up and going to a cocktail bar. And that was my inspiration for research.

Maybe if we even just threw on a nice sexy glittery dress and went to a cocktail bar in Belfast, and had just one Cosmopolitan, we'd somehow take a step towards Manhattan [maybe, we'll have one of those too ;P].

And although Manhattan is my dream, perhaps a few cocktails and a new adventure will convince my girlfriends too.

Sunday 2 December 2007

Opportunities can change your life.

I am a member of a local Youth Forum and I know, that sounds like the nerdiest thing in the entire world, but it is one of the best things in my life right now.

Last year, I had the opportunity to take part in a one week long Trainee Leadership course. From this course, I gained a qualification, more confidence and new friends. It has since, been one of the many things that I am thankful to have in my life.

I also had the opportunity to go to Berlin for 4 days, in November, to take part in some workshops there in co-operation with a German youth group. We had such an amazing time there and ever since have vowed to go back. And even moreso, we have remained part of our youth forum.

In may this year, we also had the opportunity to organize and run a Formal for the youth of the east of our city. It was an amazing experience, and although stressful, we pulled it off and everyone managed to have a fantastic time, including us.

We had planned to do Halloween and Christmas events, although we did not have enough time to organise the Halloween one and Christmas is fast approaching so we are not sure how this is going to pan out.

However, just this past weekend, the Berlin Youth Group came to my city and we toured them around, took them to museums, shopping, ice skating and basically gave them the good time that they gave us. I had such a good time with them and I actually felt, part of something wonderful. I felt like I had achieved something.

And you are probably wondering what this has all got to do with opportunities and how they can change your life. Well, to be honest, I know most of you in this city, would turn your noses up at the smallest opportunity to become part of a youth group because you'd rather wander the cold cold streets and throw bricks at people, that's fine, that's your choice. But if there is any doubt, whatsoever, in your mind and you, even just for a second, contemplate joining the group when you are offered to. Then you should.

If you never take the opportunities that are thrown at you, then you may never know what you could have been, could have done, what could have become of you and you become of what. You could have met some amazing people, gone to some amazing places, done some amazing things, achieved new and more qualifications that will help you in the future, but if you don't take the opportunity, then you will never know. I'll be honest, when I was offered the opportunity to join this youth forum, I did have my doubts, but now, I wouldn't change anything for the world.

And to any of you, the German group, the youth forum, if you ever happen, to just stumble across this page and realize that I am talking about you, then take heed, because I want to thank you, for making the youth forum what it is and for making a difference, even if it was just small, in my life. You have made me part of who I am today and for that, I appreciate everything that happens.

So next time, any of you are thrown an opportunity like mine, just say yes, what harm can it do.

Opportunities really can change your life.

People and The Truth.

Do you ever forget that people are actually people? I know that sounds ridiculously silly, I mean, how could you forget that you are a person. But, do you ever realize, that the people around you, who influence your daily lives, for example, a teacher, actually is a person? An actual human being, who has feelings.

I was walking from class to lunch when I saw my English teacher, buy some fruice. And as stupid as this sounds, it took something as simple as that to make me realize how human he actually is. It humanized him. And it got me thinking, do you ever forget that people are people? It was earlier in the day also, when my media studies teacher had a rant at us about how students forget that teachers are humans too. They think that they just sit and do all the marking and work at the weekends and that they don't actually have lives and/or feelings.

And it's so true! It got me thinking, I don't want to end up like that. I don't want people to see me as this robotic person who doesn't have feelings, or a life. And I almost wanted to go and confess everything I felt to my closest friends. Who, although they know lots, don't know everything. But, admittedly, I stopped myself from confessing because I'm afraid of the consequences, almost, afraid of the truth.

If you speak it, then you are acknowledging that you feel it, and you are accepting it as a truth. And sometimes, the truth really does hurt. And I've probably got you all wanting to know what it is that I feel deep down inside and what it is I wanted to come and confess, but unfortunately, until I am ready to confess this truth to you guys, then you will not know and you may never know.

I know, often enough, it's the not knowing that is the hardest. But sometimes, not knowing is for yours, or my, protection. And like they say, what you don't know, doesn't hurt you. And I think, that's best for all of us.

[P.S. Check out my blogroll, my friend Sarah has a blog similar to this and I'm sure she'd appreciate it, if you even had a look!].