Monday 13 October 2008

Months Down The Line.

As a blogger, I've tried and tested many forms of blogging, many ideas for blogs and this one seems to be my most successful, or the one I feel most comfortable with. During the last month or so of my A Level year I started a blog called The Diaries of an A Level Student and I hoped that someone would continue it, but no such luck. Regardless of this fact, I was skimming my entries a few moments ago and I read this:

I can’t help but feel reminded about a quote from one of my favourite movies that goes as follows: “I was waiting for the moment when life as I knew it, would change.” For the character it did. But I’m not so sure if it ever will for me.

It made me smile, how naive was I? Of course life was going to change for me. Life changes for us everyday in ways that we may not even know of. I guess I was just wishing for something different, to escape the dreadfulness of a levels. I was hoping for some major change, something big and sparkily to take me away from life as it was and so it did.

Although I did not intend on choosing this path and had my heart set on an entirely different one, the path I am on now will essentially lead me to the same place, although probably a lot more prepared than if I had followed the other one. I guess it's a lesson you learn with time, that no matter how much you want life to change, it never will unless you make it. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was from my mother (hello!) was "You are the only one who can change your life". I don't remember what it as over, but that phrase has been one that has stuck in my mind for a very long time. I do often tell others the same thing when they are unhappy, that they are the only ones who can change the circumstances to make themselves happier and it's true. If you can't do it, then no one can.

I haven't felt the best about the changes my life took, as I live away from home and everything I know and have come to learn and love. But I guess I'm getting there, I know in the long run that this will make me a better person and that there is a reason why my life ended up going along this path rather than the other one. I have to say I'm a lot more content than I ever was about it. It's one of those things that you just have to do and no matter who cries, or who is oh so very sad, or who you lose or any other circumstance, you gotta just put on a braveface and deal with it. At the end of the day, what else can you do?

Months down the line from where I was, life as I know has changed and even months from now, life will have changed again, for better or for worse, who knows? It's just something you learn to deal with it, regardless of all the protests and emotions it evokes in you. So don't fret, just accept it, Life does and will change, no matter what.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some Grin and bear it others smile and get on with it. xxx Lifes to short for what ifs. Live it.
Mum xx