Monday 29 December 2008

Here Comes 2009

Well, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that Santa was good :). I've been doing a bit of thinking lately and as you do around this time of year, some reflection. My life has recently taken some unexpected turns but they've made me feel better and eased my sense of unease if you get me. I was writing a private journal entry just the other day, when a whole load of stuff came out unexpectedly and so I'm going to paste it here because I feel it is apt. Before I do that, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and may 2009 be a better and brighter year for all of us and I will see you in January :).

Talking of the New Year, I have big plans for 2009 and lots of them. Nanowrimo taught me something that I never thought I would learn. Every year, thousands of us make resolutions, that we plan to do something different, be someone different, try new things, loose weight, meet new people and every year most of us fail at those things because we don't try, or we run out of time or life just gets in the way. The thing is, if you really wanted to do those things, you would say bollocks to any excuse your brain comes up with and do them anyway. It's not about saying you'll do them and writing them down, it's about putting your actions where your mouth is, it's about determination.

Never in my life did I think I would write a 50 000 word novel, but I did and it's sitting there in a folder all tucked away (and backed up to hell). I started Nanowrimo a week late, I wrote 50 000 words in 3 weeks, it wasn't easy, I lost sleep and I stressed out and I even had arguments with friends, but in the end, it was my determination, my motivation that got me across the finish line with hours to spare.

Life isn't about sitting back and letting the winds of fate take control, it's about making ourselves happy, it's about living to the full. The reason we fail to meet our NYRs every year is because we aren't determined enough to do them. I know, come New Years morning, most of us will have broken the things we vowed to do at midnight and probably because we partied until the small hours and don't wake until the late afternoon and also because we didn't care enough to really keep them. We believe it's just a silly new year tradition and on we go with life, never changing or doing things that we vowed we would do.

A wise friend once said to me, Why wait until the New Year to start again? He was right, it's not just the new year when we can start again. If we were really unhappy and really determined, we could drop our lives and run for the hills or wherever we so wish to run. We could do it but we just don't because we consider everything else, our friends, our family, which of course are important, but isn't being happy important too? I'm sure if your friends and family loved you enough, they would support your decision and though it may come as a shock, given time they'll get over it and they'll be glad that your happy. Isn't that what it's really all about? About being happy?

And so, as the New Year looms ahead, we may or may not make Resolutions which we may or may not stick too, but just know, it's about determination and happiness and not the simple fulfilling of a sentence written down on paper for the sake of it.

All my wishes and more adventures to come in the year ahead,
Sami & The City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It puts the lotion in the basket