Saturday 3 January 2009


Last night, in a drunken slumber, a friend and I were chatting endlessly about life, death and everything in between. We got onto the delightful topic of relationships and started spilling our guts and our hearts - or whats left of them rather.

We started using some rather strange sayings, that maybe not everyone will understand but the general idea is there and if you are really incompetent then google is your best friend.

He described one of his relationships with someone to be like Kryptonite. A relationship that is entirely bad for you, but you can't seem to escape it. It's always there, finding a way to wrap itself into your life and kill you small inches at a time. In the end though, superman always survives, so I guess the moral of the story is, we will survive that chip of Kryptonite that is injected into our skin regardless of the pain or the amount of time it's left inside us.

It made me realise, like superman's kryptonite and Edward Cullen's heroin, we all have our weaknesses. Be it a shiny green crystal, or a human girl. None of us are perfect, we're all flawed and scarred and all we're really trying to do is live. The world is one large screwed up place and all we can do is try to survive as best we can while fulfilling our own needs as well as deal with whatever life throws in our way.

None of us get out of this alive and when you think about it like that, it makes you wonder why you bother worrying and stressing out half the time. But we do it anyway, because we're only human and that's just how we work. I don't really know what my point is to be honest, I just feel that this needed to be said.

It brings to mind the Sunscreen song, which was actually a speech given to an alumni class but has been put to music by Baz Luhrman. If you're having one of those human days when you feel shitey about everything, I suggest you give this song a listen. It may or may not help, but I enjoy it so maybe it's worth a try, right?

Oh and, Happy 2009 my friends, may this year be better and brighter for all of us :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again