Sunday 2 December 2007

People and The Truth.

Do you ever forget that people are actually people? I know that sounds ridiculously silly, I mean, how could you forget that you are a person. But, do you ever realize, that the people around you, who influence your daily lives, for example, a teacher, actually is a person? An actual human being, who has feelings.

I was walking from class to lunch when I saw my English teacher, buy some fruice. And as stupid as this sounds, it took something as simple as that to make me realize how human he actually is. It humanized him. And it got me thinking, do you ever forget that people are people? It was earlier in the day also, when my media studies teacher had a rant at us about how students forget that teachers are humans too. They think that they just sit and do all the marking and work at the weekends and that they don't actually have lives and/or feelings.

And it's so true! It got me thinking, I don't want to end up like that. I don't want people to see me as this robotic person who doesn't have feelings, or a life. And I almost wanted to go and confess everything I felt to my closest friends. Who, although they know lots, don't know everything. But, admittedly, I stopped myself from confessing because I'm afraid of the consequences, almost, afraid of the truth.

If you speak it, then you are acknowledging that you feel it, and you are accepting it as a truth. And sometimes, the truth really does hurt. And I've probably got you all wanting to know what it is that I feel deep down inside and what it is I wanted to come and confess, but unfortunately, until I am ready to confess this truth to you guys, then you will not know and you may never know.

I know, often enough, it's the not knowing that is the hardest. But sometimes, not knowing is for yours, or my, protection. And like they say, what you don't know, doesn't hurt you. And I think, that's best for all of us.

[P.S. Check out my blogroll, my friend Sarah has a blog similar to this and I'm sure she'd appreciate it, if you even had a look!].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with that because my teachers are always ranting at us that they are human and that their lives don't revolve around a classroom. Yet it never really seems to sink in until you see them doing everyday things, that is partly why i don't want to be a teacher, they're assumed to have no lives and no personal problems when thats not how it is.