Monday 15 October 2007

A City Full Of Danger.

Why are we so afraid all of the time? Is the world really all that scary? Well obviously, it is with bombs and guns and whatnot. But why we do let fear take us over? Shouldn't we really find the strength inside of us to overcome it and at least attempt whatever it is we happen to be afraid of?

I believe that it is more so to do with a sense of danger. We are afraid of danger. Yet its not so dangerous just to take a walk by yourself, is it? Sure enough, why do we fear danger the most when we are on our own? We have a heightened sense of things.

Paranoia? Is that what it is? Are we so paranoid that we think that there is danger on every street corner and therefore, fear? Are we just too used to being safe that when we do end up in a risky situation we feel we're about to die? True enough, death is ultimately the worst thing that can happen but if we meet a stranger in the street is s/he really going to kidnap, rape or kill us?

Chances are, he's an old man trying to find his way home, or an old lady walking her dog [sorry for the cliche] and yes, on occasion, there will be danger, a large group of teenagers with fireworks, for example.

But why do we just accept it though? Shouldn't those of us who spend our lives hiding in the shadows of fear join together? If we did that, wouldn't we feel safer? And we wouldn't be so alone either! So why don't we? Are we too afraid of human interaction?

In a city full of danger how can we ever feel safe when we are too paranoid and afraid to go out by ourselves?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the extreme amount of danger because I am one of the people mention who 'lives in the shadows of my fear.
However it doesn't really help that the evidence to back up the reasons why I am so afraid is incresing day by day, e.g. living in N. ireland is bad enough with the 'terrorism' and shit, but rapes in the next street? Attacks around the corner? Pricks with fireworks as weapons? people trashing houses? etc. etc.

Does anyone feel safe anymore?
or can someone really try to tell me I'm exaggerating?

Gem xo