Sunday 28 October 2007

Objectifying Sexes.

[WARNING: I am not intending for any offence to be caused by this article, and I sincerely apologise if I do happen to offend you with what I wrote. But I have to admit, got to stand by my beliefs, just like you would yourself.]

Something happened recently, that involved a man objectifying a woman and for once, my feministic side came out and I got annoyed and somewhat angry about it.

When did it become okay for men to treat women as objects, tools or as 'can openers'? Haven't feminists been fighting all this time so that we weren't treated like this? And if so, well then why is nobody listening? Women are humans just as much as men are, the only difference is, they have a dick and we don't, big woop dee doo! Get over it already.

When did it become okay for men to hit on women and try to have their way with them? When did we start accepting this as an a-okay thing to do? It is NOT OKAY. Sure, you can hit on us, we won't care, but to try and tease us into bed within 2 seconds of meeting us, that is just degrading. We are not objects. We are not whores. We are women and it's time we, as well as men, started seeing that.

I bet at least 5 women go home with a man they've just met every night and no, I don't think that's alright. Sure some women do it for the money, that's if their prostitutes and some women do it because they're lonely, but we wouldn't be lonely if men wised up and saw us as women rather than objects. And some women, like me, have standards and morals. And I might seem like a prude in saying all of this, but I simply don't care anymore. This time it's gone too far.

Did you know? That in some third world countries, women who are in the sex slave industry get punished if they get pregnant. Do you know what that punishment is? We get stuck in a box, with one small whole in the top and get left in the desert and fry to death. I mean, what the absolute hell? When did that suddenly become okay? And actually, it isn't, but where are the police? Where are the people who are fighting for human rights? And where the hell, are the fucking feminists!

And if we women are seen as the mothers and child-bearers of the earth, why the fuck do we get punished for getting pregnant? Tell me, where the sense in that is will you please! Why are we stereotyped so god damn much? And then punished for fulfilling the stereotype that has been given to us? And why do we just accept it? Why aren't we doing something about it? Why are we judged by our sex? What difference does it make, if I am a woman and my friend is a man? One has boobs, the other has a dick, so bloody what?

So after calming down for a bit and thinking a bit more clearly on the subject, I felt that no better conclusion than this would do for this article:

I am a feminist but I am not a lesbian. I am intelligent but I am not a geek. I am sexual but I am not a whore. I am a woman, but I am certainly not an object.


Anonymous said...

This whole thing is amazing like seriously good. Keep going with it, i've just sat for ages reading every word, every piece of it is just so real and true. Seriously Amazing... all of it Good Luck Sammy Loves Youu...x0 =)

Sarah said...

Another great post Sami! Do you mind if I quote your last bit on my facebook? xxx