Tuesday 16 October 2007

Two To Tango.

I pose, one simple question, What happened to Romance?

In a world full of men, you expect to find, at least one, who would be willing to take you for a nice candle-lit dinner in a fancy restaurant or on a nice beach somewhere far far away from the real world [hey, a girl can dream] and not expect sex afterwards. Well, mister, if you're reading this, give me a buzz because I really would like to meet you.

For instance, this guy who found my 'bebo' and then started talking to me on msn, simply tried to turn the conversation into cybersex, although due to my high morales and values I was able to say no and turn the conversation around, though I don't think he was too pleased. However, the conversation, I have to admit, did horrify me somewhat slightly and sentences [which i will not disclose just because they are too crude] that should not even exist were said, which got me thinking.

Have we as women, fought for feminism for so many years, so that we could be called lesbians? No, we have not. And have we fought for feminism so that romance could go out the window? No, we have not. Men and even some women, just don't seem to understand, that women, like me, do still appreciate some good old romance.

It is due to the new technologies that exist in the world, like phones and the internet that we as women accept nothing more than cybersex and phone sex when really all we want is a nice sensual evening where we can relax and be bought by charm and romance and not be horrified or somewhat disgusted by the crudeness of what is now known as 'dirty talk'.

At the same time, and just to contradict myself, I wouldn't mind a bit of roughness every now and then. It's about finding the balance between romance and being naughty. Romance, is good but don't flatter me too much, I might just feel trapped by it, so throw me against a wall or something every once in a while, trust me, it'll keep me coming back for more!

So guys, time to get the brains [not the balls] in gear, take me out for a romantic meal and then throw me down and make me want you! And I'm sure, I'll give you something in return. Afterall, it takes two to tango.


Anonymous said...

Great post :D not trying to rub it in or anything, but I think I've found a guy who gets the balance right. He's very sweet & thoughtful, & really surprises me sometimes when he understands me (& women) so well. He knows me inside-out & he's very romantic... cooks me dinner, looks after me when ill (& in general), takes me out & vice versa. But he isn't afraid to throw me down & be naughty either ;)

So there are guys out there like that, & he'll come along soon enough :)

Anonymous said...

I would like to find a guy who is at least capable of talking to me, you know a little -hello- would be nice, before being like "SEX!"

I have come to wonder if a guy you described does in fact exist, as i sure as hell think he's buried with the dinosaurs!

in agreement with the annoyance of the compete lack
Gem xo