Wednesday 20 August 2008

Disappointment & Regret.

Isn't it funny how at A Levels, your entire future lies in someone else's hands as they have the power to make a yes/no decision that will you give a path to the future you want for yourself. It really demented my head for several days. You can ask anyone, I was freaking out all over the show. And why? Because I didn't know how else to deal with my disappointment, my regret. Even though you should never regret anything, or so they say.

On top of this, there were boy matters floating around and I thought things were good, but my attempts were unsuccessful. I can't help but feel regretful that I should have kissed him that first night and disappointed that it didn't work out. Although other feelings are floating around to do with this, some self-deprecating issues perhaps, that's another story for another day though. What can you do really, if the feeling isn't there then the feeling just isn't there. You can't force it.

So today, I've been in a right sour mood, wandering around looking rather unhappy and therefore I am going to go sleep the past few days off and I might see you around tomorrow, hopefully when I'm in a much better mood.

Apologies also, for the lack of inspiration in this blog, but hey it's a blog and I can't inspire you all the time, especially if I'm not too inspired myself. :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling Sami.
What will be will be. It will all come right in the end. You are a bright shinning star and no-one will damping your glow. Love you always.