Monday 12 January 2009

What A Week!

You know, it's only been 9 days since my last post and it feels like forever. So much has happened since then, mainly in the past few days.

I had my first exam last week which went suprisingly well for having not revised and reading up on the books on sparknotes the night before. Ohh yeah look at me go :P. I also had an exam this morning, which I finished within the first hour and left as soon as I could. I'm currently in the Uni library waiting on all the other dudes to finish so we can go for lunch and do fun things.

My exams are now over and my coursework is basically done, I just have to print some stuff and then put the audio files on a disk and we'll be flying. This means I can come on Wednesday since I can hand in my coursework early. Yay, an extra day of tidying and preparing for the weekend. I'm having a party bisnatches, you know where it's at. If you want an invite, talk to me :P.

Now my exams are over and coursework's done, theres only one thing left for me to worry about. The disaplinary interview I have tomorrow morning, to do with the small fire that may have occured in my Uni house. Yeah, it's hilairous isn't it? I did laugh, but now I'm worried, I shall live, though possibly not in that house anymore (yeah, it's that serious!).

You know, only I could make it through the first semester with a broken bed, several hundred water fights, a formal warning for a party and a small fire in my house. You wanna try? Go for it. But trust me, the trouble and worrying definitely isn't worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It puts the lotion on it's skin. It does this whenever it's told