Thursday 21 February 2008

No, Women Shouldn't Back Down.

I was made aware recently of a situation with my friend. She had been asked to go as someone's date to our school formal (sorry if your reading this...). They had arranged to go in the Limo with her friends. That arrangement was settled a long time ago. Then just the other morning, the guy walks in and is like "How are you getting there? There is room for you in our limo..." His friends and him had arranged another limo. My friend got extremely annoyed and frustrated with this because she had already made arrangements and now he was just being annoying about it.

I don't know if they resolved the situation, but last time I chatted with her about it, neither of them were willing to back down. And It got me thinking. Men usually expect women to do all the running. We're supposed to give up OUR plans to go with theirs. And sometimes, it's fair enough to do so if their situation is worse case scenario, or its something better than what you had originally planned. However in this situation, the man was wrong and isn't willing to admit it!

I told my friend to stand her ground. She has no reason to back down because her arrangements were made first and she should do what makes her happy, not what makes him happy. I was also in the car when she was telling her mum about this situation and her mum (she's really happy!) said something about her needing to give the man some respect at the same time.

This set me off thinking, again (haha). In the situation I mentioned, where was the respect for my friend? She had gone to lengths to arrange so that he could go with her and her friends in the limo and now he was organizing something else. That isn't respectful at all. That's just darn right rude. If you're going to ask someone somewhere and they tell you they've already got arrangements to get there, then you shouldn't bloody well go and organise something else.

And sure, I understand, each of them wants to be with their own friends, I mean its the last large school event that they'll all get time to spend with each other. But come on, it's only to get there! If it was me, I would tell him to wise up and that he either comes with me, or we don't go together at all. Because it's just creating situations that don't need to be situations.

Apologies to my friend if she ever reads this, I'm sure she doesn't really want the details of her private life on the internet, but that's why i left out names. I just wanted to share this situation, because it made me think about how men always want women to do the dirty work, when they're perfectly capable of doing it themselves. It just shows that men (I know it's a bit of a large generalization but...) don't always respect women.

[*Waits patiently for hate mail from men complaining that they do respect women and that this guy had every right to go and organise something else, when clearly he didn't! Fuck you too!*]


Andrew said...

offtopic but you'll appreciate it

Anonymous said...

hi sami my name is kyle and i am a woman and i understand that women shouldn't back down we need to fight and stay up