Monday 18 February 2008

Giving Something Back

This year I have plans to participate in several charity events. I don’t really know why but I do know that it is for a good cause and well, that can’t really be anything bad can it?

I was at my friend’s house when she handed me the invitation saying ‘You are invited to Race for Life’. Her mum had put our names down to do it as their family had been doing it for a couple of years now. Basically, you walk/run/jog 5 miles and it’s for breast cancer. It’s mainly a woman’s thing but men can do it too. So we have signed up. The one here is on June 1st at 11am so, if you are also from here and are willing to try something new, then go over to Race For Life and check it out.

I was discussing Race for Life with my friend when I remembered I had heard about another charity thing entitled ‘You’re Not the Only One’. The intention of this is to collect experiences from bloggers all over the net who submit their stories and experiences. The stories will then be selected and published in a book which will be priced at £9. Out of those nine pounds, £4.50 of it will be donated to the charity War Child. More info can be found here: Peach so hop on over if you’re interested! Although, the deadline is under two weeks from now!

In an entry I made last year, I wrote about how women in Africa are punished by being put in a box and left to fry in the sun of the desert. Well I was given this information by a girl from Amnesty International who stopped me when I was in town one day. Now, as a student myself, I can’t particularly afford to be paying off a couple of pounds a month, and I know that seems totally selfish, but what can you do. However, I am linking them here in order to show my support for the work that they do! So here we go: Amnesty International

Finally, my other somewhat charitable acts, I click on this website everyday: The Animal Rescue Website for every time you click the, donate now button, 0.6 portions of food for animals is donated. I think this is a great idea, although I do have my doubts about whether it actually works or not. But let’s stay positive and hope that it does!

Many a time in life, we pass each other by, not knowing each other’s stories or what that other person may have gone through. We simply choose to ignore the horrid truth of people’s lives and go on with our own. A lot of the time, we are selfish and self-obsessed, we often feel that we have no time to focus on others and help them, because we’re too busy with ourselves and our own problems. I won’t be the last to admit it. Although I do my fair share of playing agony aunt, but admittedly, it is something I like to do, helping others that is. So I feel by doing these several small donations for charity, I am giving something back to life, because although it has been hard at the best of times, I have been happy and everything could be a lot lot worse.

So if I have made you feel somewhat guilty (that wasn’t my intention…) then why don’t you try something I’ve mentioned above? Or next time you feel like passing somebody by, just ask them how they are. It won’t cause you any harm. If you are kind to life, it might just be kind to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post :) I've been trying to do similar things recently! I shall take a look at some of those links...