Sunday 27 July 2008

The Difference A Day Makes.

Yesterday, I thought, "My life is falling to pieces". I thought this because I was going through a break-up and although I was the heart-breaker, it hurts just as much for me as it does the heartbroken. A break-up is a bit like a death, although it does not compare quite as much, it is still a loss and it still hurts, for all involved. But that is besides the point. I also thought "My life is falling to pieces" because I overheard some friends having a talk about me which they were not aware of. They said some hurtful things though they are unaware that I know and they won't ever know unless I really lose the rag and start yelling left right and center, which is unlikely. I also felt like this because of many other aspects of my life, things that have yet to come, things that I have done that I have to live with. But you know what?

Today, I thought, "What's the point?" what is the point in feeling crap about myself. It's just a waste of time and energy that could be better used elsewhere, being more productive and taking control of my life so I don't have to ever think "My life is falling to pieces" ever again. And although it will be difficult and it will take time to regain control, in the end, it will all be worth it. Life is all about self-discovery, about development and discovering new things about yourself, the people around you and the world in which we live. Why are we wasting our time being sad, when we could be happy? Why do we like sadness so much more? I know that happyness is a hard thing to gain, but if we aren't up for trying, then what's the point in life? There has to come a point when you just say "Fuck this, I'm going to happy, regardless of whatever crap Im going through right now."

Truth is, there will always be crap for you to go through. There will always be someone out their who is trying to take you down with them, but you have to be the better, bigger person and know not to go down, not go back to the miserable you. To stay above and beyond and be happy. And I know you've heard it a billion times before, but let's face it, your life could probably be a hell of a lot worse. So isn't it time, you took a little step backwards, had a look at your life from the outside, took an analysis and start making changes in order to improve the areas that you feel aren't up to your standard of happy? Yes, it is. It's time. So go do it, right now.

I know life is difficult and it seems that it's always "out to get you" but if you don't let it get to you as much then you will finally learn what it's all about. It's time to start living, regardless of the fact that I have just broken-up a relationship, despite the fact that my friends aren't as trustworthy as they seem. We all know really, the only person you can truly trust is yourself, and if you can't make you happy, then who can?

You are probably all wondering what's got into me, that Sami is actually posting a positive blog entry. And yes, I have to thank this blog entitled Think Simple Now because it points out the fact, that yes, it really is that simple, to be happy, to live your life, to gain control. And if that isn't enough for you, then check out Empowered Quotes, some quotes from people who may inspire you to have a good old think about your life. And so, it is with this quote, I leave you, in all my happy-glowy state of mind in hope that you too, will find a happy-glowy state of mind:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

- Mark Twain


Gilit Frank said...

Hi Sami,

Just found your blog today. I can relate...good luck getting over your breakup, and it's ok to feel bad for awhile - it's a mourning period (and gives you something to write about:-).

Anonymous said...

You know the fact that every second of life brings a different story for you.

Evolutionary Revolutionary said...

Break-ups are basically divorce and divorce is definitely like death. You're life goes from one thing to something completely different in a day.

Someone told me that when we create relationships we create invisible bonds with the other person. If anything happens to that other person (death, separation, divorce) and those bonds are severed we feel real physical pain.

Definitely wonderful to be able to be happy in spite of it, but promise you won't kick yourself if tomorrow you feel sadness again. Real healing takes time, not force. You will be fine, I just know it!

Anonymous said...

After the past few days I've been having, I definitely needed to read this!

I'm checking out the sites you posted. =]