Wednesday 5 November 2008

Obama Wins.

Most of the world knows by now that America has voted Barack Obama to be the 44th President of the United States of America. Most of the world has a "I don't care" attitude because they don't think that this will/does affect them in anyway.

I can't confirm that it does, but since America is the backbone of a lot of the world, especially the UK I do think that the changes made in America will eventually envelope the rest of us. And I don't mean envelope us in a bad way.

Last night I sat until 3.30 am watching the votes be counted. I was nervous at first because McCain got the lead when the first projections came in, but eventually Obama had 300+ versuses McCain's 100+ and so I retired to bed knowing come morning who the 44th President would be.

I am not an American but I do love America and by just sitting watching the news coverage it allowed me to feel a part of it, a part of somewhere else, somethinge else and part of history. I think a lot of us will remember this for the rest of our lives. America is now ready to accept having an African-American President, the first ever in the U.S. America is ready for change.

Isn't it time we were too?

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