Tuesday 4 November 2008

When You Grow Old.

So, I was on the bus today on my way into town and these two old ladies got onto the bus. They were just normal old women but they had the coolest hats. The hats were white, fluffy and covered the entirety of their hair, you would almost mistake it for hair it was that white.

At the following stop, another two old ladies got on, and they both had white hair. I was quite amused cause it was like white hats v.s. white hair. The Irony is, they all had Marks and Sparks bags. It was like, if they were all friends, it would be what Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte would be like when they are 95+.

It just made me wonder, when I grow old, will I have white hair, or a white hat? What do you think?

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