Saturday 8 November 2008

The Power Of X.

This is going to sound completely random and ridiculously girly. However, when you are writing a text, or an email, or just something on msn and you see the message followed by an 'x'. For example, 'Sweet dreams xx'. Do you wonder what it means? Generally, X means a kiss. So a goodnight kiss is acceptable, but who is suitable to give you an X?

A family member?? A friend? I usually sign with an 'xo' A kiss and a hug. I usually hug people you see, so that suits me. What confuses me about this, is if you like someone and they sign it with 'x', or as been with me recently 'xxxx'. Four x's, that is four kisses for me. It's extremely girlish of me to read into it, but does it mean that the guy wants to give me four kisses, or he is just being friendly? Or is he feeling guilty so overcompensates with his x's? How do you know what is appropriate and how do you know when its just friendly and not romantically inclined?!

I know that's random, but it just bugs me. If anyone can solve this problem, do let me know!! :P

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