Friday 28 November 2008


I started reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer yesterday morning. I've had my head stuck into the world of Bella and Edward since then, it really is quite a fascinating story. I love the descriptions of the way Bella feels about Edward, how she describes the electric.

When I read that one scene about her feeling the electric, I had a memory come to my mind. It was a time I too had felt electric. Unfortunately, that electric never went anywhere except the bedroom. Regardless,the memory is one that I cherish, that feeling of lust and desire and well, electric.

I hope to finish the first book this evening and I'll probably buy or lend the second one tomorrow. I'm quite intrigued and looking forward to it. Though I've recently heard bad reports, many people are now going off the series due to the movie release ruining it and the fangirls being all well fan-girly about it. Fuck them, if you like it you like it.

Maybe one day, we'll all find our own Edward Cullen too.

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